Project support and advice
Regarding their valuable knowledge and words of wisdom. We want to thank you for helping us out on subjects we were not experts at, learning about you will always be a pleasure.
Special thanks to PhD. Alberto Ordaz Cortés for always being there for academic and professional advice. Who reviewed our bioprocess protocols, your help is valuable.
Many thanks to Dr. Rigel Valentín Gómez Acata for being an advisor in Mathematical Modeling helping us when calculus goes hard and always cheering us up.
PhD. Elena Olvera. for lending us your laccases as our positive control.
PhD. Rosa María Concepción Murillo Torres, for helping NOVA Portugal team on their water treatment questions.
Ernesto Robles Hernández and Irene Robles Hernándes for their valuable information and advice on water treatment regulations in Mexico in their exclusive interview with iGEM TEC CEM. Helping us knowing more about these normativities in our country so for us to have notion in which area to implement our project.
Ernesto Robles Hernández and Irene Robles Hernández for their valuable information and advice on water treatment regulations in Mexico on their exclusive interview with iGEM TEC CEM. Helping us to know more about these normativities in our country so that we have a notion in which area to implement our project.
Ingrid Marión Lopéz Mejía, for the information about the regulations of water for human consumption and the distribution of clean water to the population of the State of Mexico we also took advantage of the information received about clean water based on NOM127.
Ana Guadalupe Rodríguez Hernández on the contribution to Microplastic knowledge and technical advice.
Fernanda Liceaga, Claudia García and Rebeca Patiño on behalf of BIOTEC students group of TEC CEM, thanks for interviewing us and letting us share our project with our institution community.
Candido Hernandez for getting interested in our project and letting us share it in your community. It's an honor for us to be invited to your show.
Leonardo Ferrera and Bárbara Schettino for letting us speak out loud and reach many people with your science broadcast program.
Many thanks to judges that gave their valuable feedback to our participant teams in our Meetup event and made them improve their investigation. All together with PhD. Ana Laura Torres Huerta, Manuel Jaime Rodríguez and Brenda García.
PhD. Josefina Castillo Reyna.
PhD. Yolanda Guadalupe García Huante.
Special thanks to the doctors that with their time and knowledge helped us in many situations, giving us special advice to continue with the whole process and reaching out to very good outcomes due to their advice.
PhD. Manuel Jaime Rodríguez
Speaker of the webinar “New biotechnological platforms to generate vaccines against SARS-CoV-2”.
Meetup Judge.
PhD. Aurora Antonio Pérez
Special advisor on the protein characterization and zetasizer analysis.
PhD. Ana Laura Torres Huerta
Speaker of the webinar “PCR and its variants for the design of diagnostic panels”.
Meetup judge.
PhD. Brenda García
Meetup Judge.
Advisor on QCM development.
For the creation of the plastic use surveys that helped in the recollection of data for our human practices part of the project. Thank you both for your time, dedication, attention and effort. This project will have a greater scope thanks to you and your work.
Jennifer Rivera Palacios
My name is Jennifer and I am studying 5th semester of Biotechnology Engineering. I am passionate about learning about the different sciences, mainly the topics of molecular and synthetic biology, since they are something that inspire me to improve as a person. My main hobbies are swimming, reading mystery stories and traveling with my family to different places that will generate new teachings for me.
Saúl Higareda Ramírez.
I am a fifth semester student of Biotechnology Engineering. The topics of molecular and synthetic biology are something that I am really passionate about, and I aspire to become a recognized researcher in the field. My biggest hobbies are mountaineering and rock climbing, as in these sports I can enjoy and appreciate nature, while also pushing myself to overcome my own physical and mental limits.
3D printing.
Thank you for your kindness and dedication to have our pieces printed, even from 7 am, even on Saturdays, and on other occasions trusting in us to let the printers work overnight.
Héctor Alejandro Suárez Martínez
Cynthia Escutia López
Lab support.
For helping us with reagents, reactants, techniques, instrumental instructions and for advice in practical procedures. We believe that words will not reach us to cover how grateful we are to you for each one of the minutes that you helped us. If anyone saw us work so long it was you, thanks for your work, effort and help.
Technical logistic
M.C. Roberto Delgado Durán
M.C. Ramón Eduardo Rivero Aranda
Thank you for allowing us to use some labs during the semester, as well as the support provided during the summer, in addition to the important information and contacts shared with us.
M.C. Jorge Rebollar.

Thank you for your willingness and to solve specific doubts in an efficient way, despite having little context about the project, we would not have been able to continue without your precise advice.
Humberto Carrillo - Python structure.
Alejandro Figueroa García - Pumping system.
PhD. Luis Mauro Ortega - Electronics.
PhD. Jesús Enrique Chong - Electrical signals.
PhD. Ulises Figueroa López - Materials science and design recommendations.
PhD. Andrea Guevara Morales - Materials science and design recommendations.
iGEM Mates
We want to thank you for your time and for specially the patience and the help provided to survive in crisis times, reaching out tips and helpful information.
Alejandro Mejorada López
Thank you for your invaluable help in our lab work. You supported us even on Saturdays and in late evening Fridays and that is something we really appreciate.
Ariadna Vázquez Torres
Roberto Fragoso for helping out in the laboratory when we needed hands.

Promotion video
Fernando Pérez González. Communication and Digital Media student at ITESM
Special thanks to you for your time, skill, vision, and your support in this project. We appreciate the effort you made and we are huge fans of your work, we thank you forever for helping us to look better. Also thank you for making that video with the passion that characterizes you and the pinch of shine that you added.
José Manuel Tovar Soto. Communication and Digital Media student with specialties in social networks and digital strategy, voice over and dubbing.
We appreciate that your voice narrated our project and put a unique touch. Forever, thank you.
Fundraising help and advice
M.C. Roberto Delgado Durán
M.C. Ramón Eduardo Rivero Aranda
We thank those who with their wisdom, experience, time and words supported us by giving conferences about their branch of expertise, giving us the opportunity to fund our project. Definitely without you it would not have been achieved.
Edwardo Palomo.
Speaker of the webinar “Endocrine disruptors and obesity”.
PhD. Yara Cecilia Almanza Arjona
Speaker of the webinar “Myths and realities of plastics.”
PhD. Rodolfo Flores
Speaker of the webinar “Plastic: my favorite villain”
Itzel Becerril Rojas
Speaker of the webinar “Approach to Clinical Research”.
M.C. Víctor Hugo Sánchez
Speaker of the webinar “Application and use of Hydrogels in Tissue Engineering”.
M.C. Oscar Flores Flores
Speaker of the webinar “Lean Production, develop a culture of Operational Excellence.”
Tezkóatl Pérez Alvarado
Speaker of the webinar “Underdevelopment, Race and Critical Theory”.
M.C. Luis Fernando Durán Armenta
Speaker of the webinar “Studying the liquid-liquid phase separation of hnRNPA2.”
Marcelino Yair Rodríguez Alanís
Speaker of the webinar “Understanding of economics and finance”.
M.C. María del Rocío Villegas
Speaker of the webinar “How to write a pitch”.
Adolfo Arana
Speaker of the webinar “Fundamental humanistic modeling”.
Marco Antonio Calderón Molina
Speaker of the webinar “Insurance and investments in times of pandemic”.
PhD. José Pablo Alcázar Zamacona
Speaker of the webinar “Four steps to make life easier: Creative Problem Solving”.
PhD. María del Carmen Hernández Fonseca
Speaker of the webinar “Importance and current status of the Mexican continental aquatic ecosystems”.
Bruno González-Soria
Speaker of the webinar “Quantum Effects in Photosynthetic Bacteria”.
M.C. Jaime Arturo Padilla Ugarte
Speaker of the webinar “The immigration construction agenda in Latin America during the Trump era”.
M.C. José Iván Avilés Castrillo
Speaker of the webinar “Emulsion triboreology”.
Vinicio Emiliano Núñez Martínez
Speaker of the webinar “From financier to brewmaster: How time does not define entrepreneurship”.
M.C. Jesús Ismael Calzada Frías
Speaker of the webinar “Alzheimer's: from general to molecular”.
PhD. Elías Octavio Gómez Montes
Speaker of the webinar “Transgene expression systems in plants. Natural bioreactors for recombinant proteins production”.
Emotional and life support
We want to thank every single person and cup of coffee that helped us out, our families and friends for the patience, for the cheers and the empathy that was always there, our classmates and teachers also for the patience and help when needed. We want to share this outcome with everyone cause it's a teamwork where you all are also included.

Institutional support
Special thanks to Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Estado de México for being a second home and lending us the space, teachers, time, materials and reactants for this project to finally come true. Thanks for letting us be there everyday at almost every hour letting us achieve these incredible experiences.