The parts we created
We designed several biobricks that helped us reach our objectives. All parts we developed were created using Snapgene while the synthesis of the DNA blocks were obtained from our sponsor IDT.
We created two main sets of parts: The Biosensor Parts and the Selection Marker Parts.

Biosensor Parts:
To complete the design of the Biosensor at a molecular level, we created two basic parts that code for two proteins and two composite parts. The basic parts correspond to the coding sequences for our biosensor while the composite parts were designed for the expression of the proteins.
To read more information about these parts, please check the information here.
Selection Marker Parts:
In order to design the new selection marker we proposed, we had to produce several pieces of DNA. The purpose of these pieces was to create a new strain of E. coli with the following characteristics: Knockout of genes oxyR, gldA and glpK and its substitution with genes PuDHT, mRFP and aldO. Besides, we designed a new plasmid based on some elements from the pUC plasmid. However, this new construct is Biobrick Assembly Friendly and has our new Selection Cassette.
To read more information about these parts, please check the information here.